Friday afternoon.

Good afternoon,

On Friday afternoon we are going to watch a video. This is because this is the last day for some of the Year 5 children. The children have been brilliant all year and richly deserve a reward. This week they have enjoyed making their shelters, enjoyed making and eating their crispy chicken bites and produced some great English work. I am quite happy if they want to bring in a snack to eat whilst they watch the film.

On Friday, they will also be bringing home some of their exercise books. Other books are kept in school and passed up to the Year 6 class for them to continue to work in. Three books are kept for a term and then returned so that we have reference of the things that the children have covered previously. I will be asking some parents if it would be ok if I could keep their child’s books.

Next week will fly by and the end of Year 5 will be upon us. I will update you on any details for next week in a couple of days time.

Many thanks,

Mr Morris