Friday afternoon 15.5.20

On Friday afternoons, we do reading skills, DT and the daily mile.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

Think back to the ending of Jack and the Beanstalk and how there is a happy ending for Jack and his mother. Can you think of other fairy tales where the main character is rich at the end of the story? How did they become rich? How has their life changed for the better?

1.50 – 2.45pm: DT

What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable? See if you have some different fruits and different veg that you can cut open. What are they like inside? Which ones have seeds that you can see? What does this mean if they have seeds? After you’ve explored some different items of fruit and veg, make two groups: a fruit group and a vegetable group. Can you draw at least 3 fruits in your fruit group and 3 vegetables in your vegetable group? Don’t forget to label them.

You may like to watch this video of Barnaby Bear visiting an allotment. Barnaby Bear at the allotment Can you think of any other vegetables where you eat the root?

2.45pm onward: Go for a walk, run or bike ride, or enjoy outdoor time!

I hope you all have a super weekend.

Mrs Garcia x