Friday afternoon 1.5.20

Here are the activities for Friday afternoon. We have reading skills, DT and the daily mile.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

Think back to the poems that we have looked at over the last couple of weeks. Choose a poem you like and write a short review of it. What do you like about it? What techniques did the poet use (alliteration, repetition etc)? Who wrote it? When was it written (this may need some research)? What other poems has this poet written?

1.50 – 2.45pm: DT

Last week you focused on a particular fruit, drew it and described it. This week I want you to research this fruit and find out more about it. Here are some questions to consider:

Where does it grow?

What conditions does it need to grow? (a hot place, colder climate etc)

What can you make with it?

Why is it good for you?

If you have information books at home, then now is a good time to use your skills with using contents and index pages to find the information you need. You could also use the internet to find out more.

2.45 onward: go for a walk or play outside. In case of rain, here is a yoga routine:

Have an amazing weekend, everyone. Let’s hope the sun comes back out!

Mrs Garcia x