Friday 8th January

Good morning everyone,

Well, we have made it to Friday.  I hope you are all wide awake and ready for today.

Here is your maths PowerPoint.  Today we are continuing to think about the value of numbers. This time, by estimating where they would be on a number line.  Have a look, work through the PowerPoint and one of the sheets.   Remember, the PowerPoint will get more challenging as you work through it so stop when you have gone as far as you can.  Sheet 2 is the trickiest. Any problems, let me know.

Friday Maths PowerPoint

Maths sheet 1

Maths sheet 2


In English we are continuing to look at instructions. Please watch these instructions from Mister Maker.  How many verbs can you hear as he explains what you must do?  You can jot them down on some paper if you wish.

Have a go at following these instructions to make your own cardboard bee. If you don’t have the things you need for these instructions, you could always follow some different Mister Maker instructions – or any others for that matter.

Does he tell you what you need to get?

Think about how he explains what you need to do, can you spot any time words? First, next, then…

Does he choose bossy ( or imperative) verbs when he’s telling you what to do?

Right, now you have made your bee, can you explain to someone else how you made it.  Remember to use time language: first, then, next…

Remember to use bossy verbs telling people what they need to do.

On Friday afternoons we are doing RE and computing.

For your RE this week, I don’t want you to record or write anything down. I want you to have a chat with someone at home about what you think kindness is.  I think it is really important that we are showing a little kindness to each other particularly at the moment.  Can you list the ways you show kindness? Then I’d like you to do something kind for somebody at home.

For our computing this week we are beginning our unit on programming. Click on the link below to go to the ‘i learn 2’ site.

Once you are there, type in the activity code: Y654

Please can you do activity 1 today.  You need to programme the car to drive to the house, now I know I’m not the brightest, but it took me a while to work out that the house included the red square too!

See if you can complete all the levels for this activity.

As it is Friday, I am giving you your spellings for next week.

week 1 Blue Group

Week 1 Green Group

Week 1 Yellow Group

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and get chance for a bit of relaxation and fun.

Speak to you all next week, and remember if you have time and would like to, I’d love to see what you are up to or perhaps just send me an email telling me how you are doing.

Love from Mrs Pope x