Friday 5th March

Friday again! Here are the activities for our last day of home learning.

Wake Up, Shake Up: Big African Animals

Spelling test: Ask an adult to read out each of your spelling words and see if you can write them without looking. Write your score in your spelling folder if you have it at home.


Can you remember what ‘tempo’ means? Can you move slowly (largo)? Can you move quickly (allegro)? Can you move very quickly (presto)? Can you move at a walking pace (andante)?

Listen to these weather songs and join in. Can you describe the tempo of each of the songs. Have fun putting actions to the songs to match the weathers being described. weather songs


Starter: Sing your alphabet! You may know the traditional melody, but you are welcome to try this one: alphabet song

Think back to Tuesday and the game you were teaching someone else to play. Write a list of all the things needed to play this game. What would you need to get ready?

Then, write out each of the steps in order as instructions. Remember to use either numbers or time connectives for each of your steps. For example, if I was teaching someone how to do a jigsaw, my instructions may start like this:

First, empty out the jigsaw pieces.

Next, put all of the pieces face up so you can see them.

Then, turn the box lid over so you can copy the picture.

After that, find the four corner pieces.


There is no maths task today but if you want to do some maths, have a go at practising your number bonds to 10. Hit the Button

On a Friday afternoon, we have choosing time. Enjoy playing your favourite game or playing with your toys. Maybe you want to be crafty today and make something. Maybe you want to go out for a lovely walk to see how many amazing, natural things you can see.

Have fun, everyone. Myself, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Davies are really looking forward to seeing you all next week! I will be putting up a separate post which details some of the changes to our timetable.

Mrs Garcia x