Friday 5th March

Good Morning everyone! Last day of home-schooling today!

Maths: Please continue to learn your times tables and being able to tell the time. I wonder if you can work out how long it will be until we are all back in class on Monday morning? We are going to have lots of fun catching up.

Y5 Arithmetic Test 2 with answers

English:  LO: To finish my report and edit any grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes.

Today, I would like you to finish your report by adding a picture with a caption or a labelled diagram to your report along with your Did you know…? or Fun Fact box. Please also, write your concluding sentence, summarising the facts you have written. You could start your sentence with one of these:

  • In conclusion, …
  • To summarise, …
  • As you have read, …
  • Finally,…

Then I would like you to edit your report. Read it through trying to spot any grammar or spelling mistakes or any missing punctuation.


Spellings: Spelling test today – please ask someone at home to test you. Here are your new spellings. You will be tested on these next Friday, in school. New Spellings

Preparation for coming back to school:

As we are busy preparing things for your return to school, I thought this might be a good time for you to get your things ready, too. You could get your uniform and school coat ready, polish your shoes and make sure you know where your water-bottle is and possibly your lunch box too. You will be eating lunch at 1pm so make sure you have a big breakfast. You may bring a piece of fruit for your break-time snack, in a food container, if you wish to. You do not need to bring a school bag or anything else to school with you. Your PE session continues to be on a Friday so you won’t need to come in your kit until next Friday.

On Thursdays, we have a forest school session so please come in warm, old clothes  – trousers and tops with long sleeves, a waterproof coat and wellies. You can bring a spare pair of socks in your coat pocket, if you want to!

Our classroom will be well-ventilated so if you feel the cold, please wear a T-shirt underneath your polo shirt.

Until Easter, Mr Boffey will be teaching you for some of Thursday morning and on a Friday morning.

PE: Please take some time to exercise today. Get motivated by starting with this Warm up