Friday 5th June

Hello everyone,


Well done for making it through the first week back! Today we will be doing Maths/Understanding the World, Art and Letters and Sounds.


Maths/Understanding the World:

I would like you to have a look at the minibeast investigation table below. This is something you will definitely need to discuss and work with an adult to complete.

Minibeast Investigation Table

Remember that the antennae are the feelers on the top of the minibeasts head.



After reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ I thought you might like to recreate your own artwork in a similar style to the book. Have a look at the picture of the butterfly below, look carefully at the different colours that have been used and how some of the colours have been layered on top of each other.

Can you draw your own butterfly and then use whatever you have to make the colours. Here are some ideas:

  • colouring pencils
  • watercolours
  • paints
  • tissue paper

I’m looking forward to seeing your finished pictures!


Letters and Sounds:

Today I would like you to have a go at a colouring activity. Read the words in the mosaic and decide if they are real or silly words and colour them in the right colour. There’s quite a few squares to complete here so it may be something to carry on over the weekend. There are 3 different sheets, so choose whichever you fancy (it may depend on what colours you have at home)!

Animal Mosaics


Have a lovely day and an excellent weekend!

Miss Roberts x