Friday 5th June

Happy Friday!


There is a spelling test set up for you on Sumdog based on the Year 3/4 wordlist. Have a go or ask someone to test you on your chosen words from the wordlist. Then try the Reading comprehension (* is easiest) The Story of Arachne. Reading Comprehension

You can listen and read along to more Greek Myths here: Greek Myths The Trojan Horse is one of my favourites.


Please continue to practise your times tables at home. You can do this on Sumdog, TTRockstars or Hit the Button. Please try the Friday challenges on the bbc daily lessons page. maths challenges


Have a look at this web page all about Greek food. The Greek diet was very healthy. Their big meal of the day was dinner, usually eaten as the sun went down. After reading the information, I would like you to draw and label a meal for an Ancient Greek person. You may use the sheet attached to work on, use a paper plate or just use your work book. Greek food


More information can be found here: More on Greek food