Friday 5th February

Good morning,

I hope you are all feeling relaxed and happy after your lovely day of arts and crafts yesterday.  I cannot believe it is Friday already.

All week we have been looking at multiplication.  We have drawn arrays and turned multiplication sums into repeated addition.  Today we are going to learn multiplication facts.  By the end of year 2, it will really help you if you know all the facts for your 2,3,5,10 times tables confidently.  We have also talked about the 11 times table in school because it has such a nice pattern to help you…but it was a little while ago.

Remember, times tables, like addition calculations, can be done in any order.  if you aren’t sure what 2 x 9 is, turn it around to 9 x 2.

Here is a little game to help you practise these skills.  Remember to use your fingers to help you until you become speedy.  Choose the times table option and select the times tables you would like to practise.  You can make it harder by choosing more than one times table at a time.

Funky Mummy

Today, our focus is on learning our 2,3,5,10 times table number facts. So you have a couple of options.

Option 1: A times table treasure hunt.  Hide the answers around the house or garden – in places where you won’t disturb people who are working.  Work out the answers and find the correct clue.  Then work out the message using the letters you find.

Multiplication Treasure Hunt

Option 2: If you are still feeling creative, have a go at making these 2,3,5,10 times table fortune tellers.  Follow the instructions carefully.  Use them to practise your times tables.

2 times table fortune teller

3 times table fortune teller

5 times table fortune teller

10 times table fortune teller


Have a brain break. This story makes me laugh!!


Please can you do your spelling test. Let me know your scores so that you can add your stickers to the chart when you come back to school.

Your new spellings for next week are:

Blue spellings 8.2.21

Green spellings 8.2.21

Yellow spellings 8.2.21

For your English today, I’d like you to watch the story of the book The Bear and the Piano by David Litchfield.  It is a beautiful story of a bear, who learns to play the piano and the adventures he has.

Here are some pictures from the book.  I’d like you to cut them out and order them. Then write a  couple of sentence for each one explaining what is happening.  Please make sure you remember capital letters and full stops.  This is so that we get to know the story really well, ready for next week.

The Bear and the Piano pictures

This afternoon is our computing afternoon.   This afternoon I would like you to have a look at this chart program.

Charts Program

Today we are going to be making bar charts.

Make sure you have clicked on the bar chart symbol on the left of the screen.

You now need to collect some data.

  • This could be how many different toys you have – how many teddies, puzzles, dolls, cars, animals etc.
  • Or the favourite food of people in your family.
  • The favourite colour of people in your family.
  • It could even be how many different colour Lego pieces you have in one handful.

Or, if you are struggling here is some data for you to use.

Pet Chart

Have a go at adding the information to your bar chart.  Remember to give it a title so people know what information the chart is showing.

As we didn’t have PE yesterday, I think today we perhaps need some exercise, especially as we have found out how it helps us to feel happier.  Here is a yoga session for you to have a go at, but if you would rather go for a walk, ride your bike, scooter or play a game of football in the garden, please do.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.  Let me know how you are getting on and if there is anything you need.

Love from Mrs Pope x