Friday 5th February

Hi everyone, I hope you all enjoyed your day of being creative yesterday! Here’s what we’ve got for today…


Morning activity

Later on today I am going to ask you to play shops as part of your maths. So this morning, maybe you could set your shop up. Maybe find a good place to have your shop, write a sign saying ‘Shop’ and find some things that you would like to sell.

It might be a toy shop, a food shop, a clothes shop. The choice is yours!


Letters and Sounds

Friday 5th



Right, now it’s time to get that shop up and running! First you will need to price up all your items. Decide how much each item is going to cost up to 10p, so is it going to cost 1p, 2p, 5p or 10p? Write a price tag or label for each item.

Then you are going to need a customer! When your customer decides to buy something, you will need to tell them how much it costs and check that they give you the right coin. Remember to use your manners when you talk to your customer – nobody likes a rude shop keeper.

Have fun playing shops today! If you need some cut out coins, there are some below.

Coin Cut Outs


Afternoon activity

This afternoon it’s time to do a little bit of music. This website is really easy to use. You will need to draw different shapes, which then make music when you press the play button! It’s very fun and I know last years Reception class loved experimenting on it. If you change the colours, then it changes the type of instruments used. Have fun!

Chrome Music Lab



There is a story on Tapestry for you to finish off your learning with today. Enjoy!


Have a brilliant weekend everyone, well done for working so hard still.

Miss Roberts x