Friday 5.2.21 – Home Learning

Maths- The last maths lesson of the week is today. I will be doing a live lesson at 11 am to go through subtraction but this time focusing much more on stealing.

If you can’t make it here is a PP where we go through different examples of stealing (e.g. stealing for just the ones column, for just the tens column and stealing for both the tens and ones) There are also a few questions for the children to answer.

lesson 4 subtraction 3 digit numbers Stealing different columns

Activity- subtracting 3 digit numbers Friday worksheet

subtracting 3 digit numbers Friday worksheet – ANSWERS

Maths (extra)

If you have the time, and you still want to complete this week’s arithmetic tasks I will still attach them below.

Premiership If you emailed me your child’s score I will email you telling you whether your child has moved on to the next times table or needs to look at the same times table as last week. They are ordered below.

x5              x10            x3              x4                x8              x6              x7                x9

Mental Arithmetic

We always follow Premiership with a mental arithmetic test. Usually, I play them an audio clip of a lady reading out the questions. They are timed so all you need is hit play!

If you can’t get the audio above to play, then I’ll attach the questions and the answers below. With the first 10 questions, the children get 5 seconds to answer after the  question is repeated. On the last five questions, the children get 10. We have tried to encourage the children to listen to the question the first time and jot down anything they think will help and once the question is repeated, then they can answer. If they have jotted notes down to help, then they can always return to the question if they have finished another question quite easily.

y3-spring-05 FOR ADULTS

y3-spring-05-answer FOR CHILDREN

Afterwards, we mark it and  go through some of the questions and talk about how we could answer them quickly.

English- Please see Mrs Hilditch’s post from Monday.

Spelling Test

Spelling test on the children’s spellings from last week. Usually, we would jumble them up, read out the word and then put it into a sentence for the class.

New spellings- Below are a new set of spellings to learn over the next week.

Group 1/ Group 2 – Group 1 and 2 Week 5

Group 3 – Group 3 Week 5


Usually on a Friday we don’t do a whole Guided Reading session but rather get the children to have 20-30 minutes of quiet, independent reading. It allows the children a little down time and is considered a mindful activity. Perhaps, even play some some calming music in the background to help them relax during this strange time. If you want, send us in a photo of the children reading and we can print it off and stick them to our reading journal wall!


LO: To identify different stories found in the Torah.

Very simple lesson this week where I have put together a collection of stories found in both the Bible and the Torah. Look at the PP below first to allow for a little bit of understanding of the Torah and see if the children can make comparisons to the Bible.

Identifying stories from the Torah

After, all the the children need to do is listen to the different stories below. They are a mixture of video recordings, voice overs and video clips, making them accessible to all. Enjoy!

Story 1- The Creation Story and Adam and Eve

Story 2- Noah and the Floods

Noah and the floods

Story 3 – The Story of Abraham

Story 4 – The Story of Jacob

Story 5- Joseph