Friday 3rd July

Well we have come to the end of our transition week 🙁

It has been so lovely getting to know you and hearing from so many of you over the week.  We hope you are really looking forward to September and we will be busy planning lots of lovely things for us to do in our first half term back.

Today we’d like you to think about your hopes and dreams for the future.  Be as ambitious as you like!

We’d like you to think carefully about what you would like to be when you are older. We wont hold to it forever, but we would like you to think carefully about subjects you enjoy, what you think is exciting, what you like finding out about and what you are passionate about.   What skills and qualities do you have that would make you suited to this particular career?

You may like to use the sheet below to write about your dream job and draw a picture.

Future Aspirations


Please complete the Friday Challenge! Have fun 🙂

BBC Bitesize Challenge BBC

White Rose Videos


Following on from your work this morning about your drams for the future, we’d like you to share with us where in the world you would love to go, if money were no object!

Would you want to travel to a tropical island?  Would you want to climb a mountain? Would you want to visit a rain forest? See the Northern Lights?  Go on an African safari?

You can draw a picture and describe the place you’d love to visit.  Or if you are able to discuss your ideas with an adult, you could maybe research the type of place you would like to go.  So for example, if you’d like to see the Northern Lights, which countries could you visit?  What continent are they in?  Can you find them on a world map?  How would you travel there? How long would it take?  What kind of place would you stay?  You could find some pictures make a poster on the computer about your chosen place.

We hope you have fun looking forward to the future and to next year.  We are really looking forward to meeting you all properly and welcoming you all back to school as Year 3.

Thank you for a lovely week.

Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Davies x