Friday 3rd April

Hello, it’s the last day before the Easter holidays! Hooray – we’ve done it!!

Here’s the plan for today…



Can you make an Easter card? Think of all the things we have learnt about Easter and choose a suitable picture to go on the front. Get as creative as you’d like, depending on what craft items you have at home!


Letters and Sounds:

Write your Easter card! If you have made it for someone who isn’t in your house, you could have a go at writing the name and address on the envelope too, remembering to make sure every letter is formed properly and your writing isn’t too big. (I have done this with Reception children before – I promise it is possible!)



Have a go at using this website to make some shape pictures. There are lots of outlines if you are unsure what picture to make, or just make your own. I know we all love doing this using the shape tiles that we have in Room 4! Using this website can be a little fiddly to start off with, especially when using a laptop so grown ups you will need to show your child how to use it, but I’m sure they will get the grasp of it very quickly.

Shape Pictures


Since it’s the last day of term, we would normally be watching a film in the afternoon, so if you’d like take the opportunity to get comfy, find a treat to eat and watch a good film on the sofa!


Parents – I hope you are all okay and have survived the last few weeks. Please feel free to continue posting pictures on Tapestry and emailing me over Easter, but just be aware that I won’t be checking as regularly as I have been.

I hope you all have a lovely break, I will be thinking of you all. I’m still missing you lots!

Miss Roberts x