Friday 3rd April

Good morning everybody,

I hope you are all well and ready for your work today.    I thought you might like a little colouring challenge this morning.

Find the answers to these number sentences, colour them in the correct colour, and see what picture you end up with.

Friday Morning Maths

For your maths today,  I would like you to gather a team of people to help you.  Any available adults or brothers or sisters.  You are going to have to work as a team to solve …’The Mystery of Eggleton Village’s smashed Easter Egg Hunt!’

Friday Easter Egg Hunt Fun

Just in case you want to check that you solved the mystery correctly…

Friday Answers

As if you haven’t had enough fun, don’t forget to do your spelling test.  Let me know how you get on.

For your reading today I have included an Easter comprehension for you to have a go at.  Comprehension 2 is the trickier one.

Friday Comprehension 1

Friday Comprehension 2

For your afternoon work, I would like you to have a little play on Music Lab.  We have been leaning about pitch and rhythm this term.  The games that link to these topics are ‘Song Maker’  and ‘Rhythm’ but have a play.  It is so much fun!!

Music lab

I hope you all have a fantastic Easter Holiday. Thank you for all of your hard work, you are all doing a fantastic job and I am really, really proud of all of you.   Keep in touch  and let me know how you are getting on.  I have missed you all but getting your emails has made me very happy so thank you.

Love from Mrs Pope x