Friday 27th March

Thank you for sharing your Mondrian pictures. They were amazing!

Today we have English, P.E, Maths and History.


It is Friday so it is spelling test day! Please test yourself on the spellings you have been learning this week and then choose some for next week. Remember I put the Year 3/4 spelling list on our news page last week.


Try to do some exercise- take part in the Joe Wicks P.E. session.


Complete the problem solving sheets that I put on last week.

If you have chance, carry on making your times table game. If you have finished making it, then play your game with a family member. Show them how good you are with your times tables!


Try to do one lesson from the Anglo-Saxon booklet. If you like, you could make a PowerPoint of the information that is provided within the lesson. Also, while you are working on the Anglo-Saxons, you could be singing! Go to BBC website and sing along!