Friday 26th June English and Maths

Hi everyone,

I hope you’ve all had a super week. Here are our morning activities for Friday. The afternoon tasks will be on a separate post.


As it is a Friday, here is a problem for you to solve:

nrich candles prob ks1

Give your child a few minutes to get to grips with what the question is asking and to see if they can suggest a starting point.

With this type of problem, always start with what you know. So in this case, we know that there were 24 candles to start with and that every year, Jack’s mum puts the same number of candles on the cake depending on his age. For children who need some help getting going, draw out the cakes for Jack (like the first three have been drawn on the problem). Remember that Kate is younger, but we don’t know how much younger. So, using a process of trial and error, draw cakes for Kate too from different starting points (regarding Jack’s age). Remember to put the right number of candles on, and remember you are stopping when all 24 candles have been used!


Do you remember doing Sports Day last year on the school field? What kind of events do people do when it’s Sports Day?

Watch this episode of Peppa Pig taking part in her Sports Day: Peppa Pig’s Sports Day

Did Peppa do well at Sports Day? Why not?! What does she need to remember for next Sports Day?

When you have watched the video, use this sheet to write a recount of the events Peppa did and the order in which she did them. You will only need the first page: sports-day-recount-writing-frames

Remember to read through your sentences carefully and check for any missing punctuation. Try hard to make some of your sentences longer too, by using words like ‘and’, ‘because’, ‘but’, ‘so’ and ‘when’.