Friday 26th June

Good morning everybody. I cannot believe I’m writing Friday’s posts already!  This week has passed so quickly.

For your morning maths this week, I thought we’d return to telling the time.  Here are some games, choose the one that is most appropriate for you.  Even if you are really confident and can read all times, it’s always good to practise the skill.


We are going to finish the week by looking at reading a variety of different scales. Have a look at the PowerPoint.

Reading and comparing scales PP

Have a go at one of these sheets, reading lots of different scales.  Remember, when reading scales, you always have to look carefully at the numbers and lines on a scale.  What is the scale counting in? How do you know? What numbers aren’t there? What are the lines telling you? What might be between the numbers on the scale?

maths sheet 1

maths sheet 2

maths sheet 3

As always, sheet three is the most challenging.


We are going to have a Free Write Friday. Choose one of these pictures, or any other you like from a book at home, and write about it.  It could be a story, information text, poem, song or any other genre of writing you fancy.

Remember, all writing will need capital letters, full stops and well chosen adjectives and verbs. Try and include some of the skills we practised yesterday.

Today is spelling test day.  Good luck everyone!

Find somewhere quiet and read a little of your reading book.

If you have a spare few minutes, I have another book for you to listen to.  You may want to listen to this on in instalments as it’s a longer story.  This is the first book I remember reading to myself.  I have read it many times.  I actually remember listening to this version of the story when I was a little bit younger than you!


Next week Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Davies are going to be posting your work on our web page as part of Transition Week.  It will mean that you can get to know them a lot better before September and they can find out what a fab bunch you all are.

Enjoy your sporty afternoon and I hope you have a lovely weekend everybody.

Let me know how you get on today.

Mrs Pope x