Friday 26th November

Good morning everyone,

This morning we are going to do a little bit of number investigating. Please can you work your way through these challenges.  You will need to make some digit cards for 0-10 and a ÷ ,x, = and  to help you.

Maths for Friday

There are some extra challenges included on the printable sheet.  You don’t need to complete them all but you can if you wish.

For our English today we are going to continue with our newspaper report.  Yesterday we wrote the introduction. Today we are writing a paragraph about how the fire spread so quickly. This video may help you to remember some facts.

You will need to think about:

  • what the building were made of
  • how close the jetties were to each other
  • it had been a long, hot summer and there hadn’t been any rain for months
  • the strong wind blowing the flames and embers
  • that there was no fire brigade to put out the fires

Write a paragraph explaining only how and why the fire spread so quickly.  We will write the final paragraph about how they put it out on Monday.  Keep this paragraph safe, we will need it again next week.

For our RE today we are going to be thinking about the first Christmas.  Just to remind yourself…

This should be pretty familiar as we are practising our nativity in school.

Please can you re-tell the story.  In school we are using a large piece of A3 paper, divided into 8.- Here is an A4 copy or you can make your own version.  You can add pictures and text.  Make it really bright and colourful.

Nativity Grid

Please can you do your spelling test – I will post your new spellings for next week.

Please can you practise your nativity lines.

Please can you read some of your book.

Please can you have a lovely weekend!!!!

Keep me posted on how you are getting on and if there is anything you need, just let me me know..

Mrs Pope x