Friday 24th April

Hello everyone,


It’s Friday! We’ve made it to the end of the first week back of home schooling – well done everybody!!

Today we will be doing Maths, Music (with a Jack and the Beanstalk theme) and Letters and Sounds.



Following on from our subtraction skills we’ve been building up this week, today we are going to work out some subtraction problems using a number line. Children will need to accurately jump backwards on the number line by the amount that they need to take away. I always teach the children to circle the first number so that they are clear on where they need to start. They may also need to have a few goes at making sure they only jump back one number at a time (very often we have big jumps which accidentally skip a few numbers out.)

There are two different difficulty levels here depending on confidence levels. The first is just working within 10 (it might be an idea to start off with this one just to get to grips with the concept) and the second is working within 15.

Subtraction from 10

Subtraction from 15 – this one says it has two different ability levels, but they both look they same to me!

If you don’t have a printer, maybe write a number line to 20 and just use your finger to count backwards for each number sentence.

I hope you all get on alright with this.



Today I would like you to learn a new song to go along with our Jack and the Beanstalk story. There are a few ideas here to choose from, using tunes you should know. Or you could come up with your own song! Remember to sing in a lovely loud and clear voice!

Climbing Up The Beanstalk SongJack’s Magic Beans SongJack’s Giant SongBeanstalk Growing Tall SongI’m A Little Bean Song

I know we love singing in Room 4 – so enjoy these!


Letters and Sounds:

Today I would like you to sort the following words into real words and silly words.

zear, gear, fear, keard, pair, sair, hair, quair, manure, pure, nure


I hope you all have a lovely day and a fantastic weekend. Can’t wait to hopefully see you all soon!

Miss Roberts x