Friday 22nd May

Hello everyone,

Hooray! It’s the last day before half term!! I know you are all feeling a little bit tired and fed up today so I have tried to plan some nice easy things for you all to do. As always, dip in and out of it and just do whatever is going to work for you.



To continue with your work on addition and subtraction, I have got a board game for you to try out at home. It’s a nice easy game that you can have a go at with the whole family. All the instructions and the game are below.

Addition and Subtraction Board Game



I’m not sure if you’ve heard of Draw With Rob (if you have older siblings in school, they might have had a go at this). He will teach you how to draw different pictures in a very easy to follow way. Have a go at the one below, or choose your own off his YouTube channel.


Letters and Sounds;

So today might be a nice time to go on Phonics Play and just select your favourite game to play to recap your Phase 3 sounds and tricky words. I know our favourite one is Buried Treasure (we like to watch the pirates fall in the water) but you can choose whatever you like!


Have a lovely day and a fabulous half term. I hope the sun shines, you manage to have fun with your families and that you find some lovely things to do.

I’m missing you all and feeling very proud of how well you are all coping at home.

Miss Roberts x