Friday 22nd May

English – Please finish your fable. This is the final part when the bigger animal thanks the smaller animal. Write the moral message at the end of your fable. Once you have finished, we would like you to read your story through and edit it as you go. You will need to think about spelling (you can use a dictionary to help if you have one), punctuation and whether there is a better word to use than the one you first chose eg huge instead of big. You could also include illustrations if you haven’t already.

Maths – Please follow the links from earlier in the week for Friday’s Maths lesson.

Reading  – Choose the reading comprehension that is best for you. (* is easiest) You will learn many facts about Greece as it is today. t2-t-16350-facts-about-greece-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity_ver_2

Topic – The Olympics started in Ancient Greece and it was a huge event. The different states were often at war but there was always peace during the games as it was a religious event. So how do we know about these events? What is the evidence? Well we can look at different paintings and pottery which show the events. Have a look at the photos. Can you work out any of the sporting events. greek pots and paintings

Can you find out which events still happen today at the olympics? Please find out 5 facts about the Olympics. There is lots of fascinating information here to help: Olympics information and videos