Friday 22nd January

Hi everyone, it’s Friday – you made it to the end of another week of home schooling. Well done!


Morning activity

Can you have a go at cutting and sticking the sounds to make a word to go with each picture? You can do both sheets if you like, or just one, it’s up to you!

If you don’t have a printer, you could make your own version, or just have a go at labelling the pictures you can see.

Phonics Cut and Stick


Letters and sounds

Today we are going to be having a go at sound buttons.

Friday 22nd


Today we are going to finish learning about height and length. I would like you to have a little look through your toy-box and choose your 10 favourite toys. Can you put them in order of height from smallest to largest?

Which is your largest toy? Which is your smallest? Which ones are medium sized? Can you add any more toys to your collection?


Afternoon activity

This afternoon I thought you might like to have a nice easy afternoon and do some crafts. Sticking with our transport topic, I’d like you to use any craft materials you have at home to make a mode of transport. I’m hoping that most of you have toilet roll tubes at home, so have a go at making a vehicle out of one of those. You can be as creative as you would like, but there are some ideas below to get you started if you aren’t sure. I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with!


Today there is a story on Tapestry for you!


Enjoy your day and have a fantastic weekend. I’m looking forward to seeing what you have all been doing.

Miss Roberts x