Friday 21st May

Good morning everybody,

I hope you are well.

Today we will be going on a class trip.  In fact, we will be gong on two!

Firstly I would like to take to the Isle Of Wight, to Osborne House.  We are going to visit Queen Victoria’s favourite house.  This is where she spent most of her time, certainly after Prince Albert died.

So, pack your self a nice lunch, seat belts on, we’re off!



I hope you enjoyed this part of the visit.  It really is a beautiful house.  It must have been absolutely amazing to live there.

Please can you find 5 minutes to do your spelling test!

Right, now we are off back to Shropshire.  We are going to take a tour around Blists Hill Victorian Museum.



I hope you have a fantastic time visiting these sites and see lots of interesting things.

Have a brilliant Half Term everybody.  Keep me posted on how you are getting on and what you are up to.  I am so proud of you all, you have been absolutely amazing and worked incredibly hard.

I will meet you all back here on the Monday 1st June.

Mrs Pope x