Friday 1st May

On Friday it is English, P.E, Maths and Science


It is Friday so it is spelling test day! Please test yourself on the spellings you have been learning this week and then choose some for next week. Remember I put the Year 3/4 spellings on our news page a few weeks ago.

Then take part in the Yr 4 reading lesson: Please Mrs Butler by Allan Ahlberg on BBC Bitesize.


Take part in the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


First of all, investigate the number 81. Then try challenge 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 on the White Rose maths/ home learning website.


I want to see how much you remember about states of matter. Take part in the Yr 4 states of matter lesson on BBC Bitesize. Look at the videos and then do activity 1.