Friday 1st July

Well I cannot believe we have come to the end of Transition Week already!

We have had a lovely week getting to know you a little better and I hope you know us a little better too.

Morning Maths:

Today we would like you to order numbers from smallest to largest.  Have a go at this game and see how you get on.

You can change the size of the numbers you are sorting from 10 to 20 or to any number up to 200.

Have a go!


Have fun playing this 4 in a row game.  You will need at partner, 2 dice and 13 counters each.  They don’t need to be proper counters they could be 13 squares of coloured paper or just circle an answer in coloured pen when you get it.  Feel free to use anything else you may have.

The object of the game is to get 4 answers in a row.

4 in a row game


Today is Free Write Friday.

Have a little look at the pictures below.  Choose one that you like.  You can write anything using this picture as a starting point for your work. You could write a story, poem, diary, some information, anything you fancy.

If you don’t find a picture here that inspires you, choose a picture from a book at home. Remember to send us a photo of your work, we’d really like to see what you write about.

If you have a spare few minutes and need a bit of a relax, have a listen to this.  Don’t fall asleep though, it’s definitely not bedtime.

As it is Friday afternoon, we thought perhaps a little relaxation.  Why don’t you have a go at drawing with Rob Biddulph, a famous author and illustrator. Have plenty of fun and send us your pictures.

Make sure you get outside for a walk or bike ride.

Can you make the alphabet out of things you see on your walk?

It has been so lovely getting to know you Room 5.  I know that Mrs Pittaway and I are both really excited about seeing you all very soon.

Have a lovely weekend.

Love from Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Pope xx