Friday 19th November

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well.  Here is you work for today.

Please can you do your spelling test in your red Spellings book. Do it at the back like would at school.

Here are next weeks spellings.

Group 2


Group 1

week 6

Please can you read a little more of your reading book.  If you have finished your reading book, pick one of your favourites from home.

Please can you practise your nativity words.

Have a look at these maths problems.  Can you use jottings to solve them?

Maths 19.11.21

For our English, we are going to re-read our newspaper text.

Newspaper text Example

Can you remember what those tricky words mean?  Can you explain them to someone at home.

This time as you read through you will need some coloured pens.  Can you highlight:

  • all capital letters that start a sentence
  • all capital letters that are for names – proper nouns
  • all full stops.
  • what other punctuation can you find – can you explain why it is being used?

Can you do you daily mile, you can do this by jogging around your living room or your garden.

This afternoon we have our ‘Mr Potato Head Time’.  We have all worked so hard that we have earned every bit of Mr Potato Head.  You can share this with us too. You can snuggle up and watch a movie, play with your toys, do some art. Whatever you like doing best!

Have a lovely day. Let me know how you have got on.

Mrs Pope x