Friday 15th May

Hello everyone,


Well done for making it to the end of the week! Today we will be doing Maths, Understanding the World and Letters and Sounds.



Yesterday you should have had a go at counting in 5s and hopefully you spotted the pattern on the 100 square too. Today I would like you to complete the worksheet below and fill in the missing numbers by counting in 5s, use your completed 100 square from yesterday to help you. There are different levels on the sheets – winter is the easiest, and spring is the trickiest, so choose whichever suits you!

Counting in 5s


Understanding the World

Today we are going to have a little think about technology. There are lots of different types of technology all over our houses and we use them every day! But for your challenge today, I would like to see how many different pieces of technology you can find around your home that don’t have screens (think remotes, washing machines, doorbells, battery operated toys etc.)

Take pictures of what you find, or draw pictures, or write a list. The choice is yours!


Letters and Sounds:

Can you have a go at the worksheet below today please? You will need to read the words and write them next to the correct pictures. Like the other day, if you want to make it more tricky then cut the words off the bottom and write them using your word builder and sound mat.

‘ai’ and ‘ee’ matching sheet


I hope you all have a lovely day and an even better weekend! I am so proud of how you are all doing at home and still missing you all a lot.

Miss Roberts x