Friday 15th January, 2021

Today it is English, P.E. and Maths.


Please complete your biography about Pablo Picasso. I have been very impressed with the ones I have seen so far. Thank you!

If you have finished your biography, please do the reading comprehension about Marcus Rashford. As some of you may know, Marcus Rashford is doing a lot to support people who might not otherwise have anything to eat. Please choose the comprehension sheet suitable for you.


I will also be putting the spellings for the week on later.


It is Friday so it is P.E. today. Try the P.E session with Joe Wicks or try the Cosmic Kids Yoga session.

Joe Wicks

Cosmic Kids Yoga


First, make a poster about all you know about the number 36. Try to challenge yourself. Then, try the mental maths test. You will need to ask someone to read the questions to you.

