Friday 15th January

Hello Room 4, it’s finally Friday! Only a little bit more home learning and then you can finally enjoy your weekend.


Morning activity

Can you remember the Noah’s Ark story from Tuesday? Have another watch below if you can’t.

Can you draw some pictures of the animals that you think might have been on Noah’s Ark? Remember to draw two of each animal! Keep your drawing safe as you are going to need it for this afternoon.


Letters and Sounds

Our lesson for today is below.

Friday 15th January


Today we are going to play a game to practise all the addition and subtraction skills that you have learnt over the last few weeks. Below is the game to play – you will need some Lego, Duplo or something similar and a dice.

Have fun!

Addition and Subtraction Game


Afternoon activity

Remember the animals that you drew this morning? Well you’ll need to get that picture out again, this afternoon I would like you to label some of the animals that you have drawn. Remember to use your word builder and sound mat to help you.

Grown ups – remember that 4 and 5 year olds are not expected to write every word perfectly. They will just need to sound out the word and write the words that they hear. For example, they might write ‘giraffe’ as ‘juraf’ – that is absolutely fine! That’s what we are expecting them to do. I know it’s tricky – but don’t be tempted to write the word out for them to copy as it won’t help them in the long run. Even if they just hear the first and last sound (j f) that is alright for this time in the year too!



Enjoy a bedtime story from Cbeebies today.

We have this story at school!


Have a lovely weekend everyone, I’m very proud of how hard you are all working at home.

Miss Roberts x