Friday 15th January

It’s Friday!

Well done everyone, you have done an amazing job this week.  Thank you for all of your hard work and for sharing the lovely things you have been doing.

Here is your maths.

I have put a link to the ‘Funky Mummy’ game because I know how much you love it.  You can practise your number bonds or your times tables.

Here is your maths PowerPoint. Today we are continuing with adding and subtracting multiples of 10 but you are going to have to do both today.  Remember to keep your 100 square near by to double check your answers or to help you as you work.

Maths PowerPoint

100 square

Subtracting 10 maze

adding and subtracting 10 race game


extra challenge

As it is Friday, please can you do your spelling test.  Let me know how you get on and I will keep a record so we can add your stickers to the class chart.

For English, we are going to do a ‘Free Write Friday’. Today you can use one of the pictures, or a picture you love from home and write anything you like.  You could write a story, an information booklet or poster, a poem or song, a diary a letter…whatever inspires you most. You can hand write your work or you could do it on the computer if it is available.

Here are some pictures for you to have a look at.

Let me know how you get on, I am looking forward to seeing what you creative lot come up with.

Here is a story for you to relax with.

As you have done your spelling test, here is a copy of your spellings for next week.


Week 2


Week 2


week 2

This afternoon we will be doing RE and Computing.


I’m really please you enjoyed the work on programming last week.  This week, we are going to continue with this skill and do lesson 2.

You will need the activity code Y654.  We are looking at lesson 2.  There is a short video to watch and then get practising!!

For our RE this week, I would like you to listen to the PowerPoint of the Prodigal Son.  I would like you to think about forgiveness.

The prodigal son

Have you ever had to say sorry for doing something silly? I know I have.  What was it? Have a chat with someone at home about saying sorry, how you show you are sorry and what it means to forgive someone when they do something silly.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Love from Mrs Pope x