Friday 12th June

Friday already!


Please practise your times tables and do the bbc maths challenges, today. bbc maths challenges


We would like you to finish Perseus’ diary entry, please. Once you have described who you are searching for (Medusa) you will meet the 3 Graeae sisters with one eye between them. Then describe how you defeat Medusa and return to Polydectus to release your Mother. Phew! What a day! I wonder how you both will celebrate at the end…


The word alphabet comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet – Alpha & Beta. Have a look at the Greek alphabet. Can you see what is the same and what is different compared to our alphabet? Try writing your name or a message in Greek.

Greek Alphabet

Here is a link on how to pronounce the letters. Pronounce Greek letters

Whilst we are thinking about the alphabet, have a go at writing an A to Z of Greek words. How many words can you think of relating to the Ancient Greeks? I’ll start you off:

  • A – Athena, Athens,
  • B – Beta,
  • C – Cerberus, Crete,

You might like to finish your day with a short cartoon based on the Greek Myth of King Midas .King Midas