Friday 12th June

Hi everyone,

So this will actually be the last post with home learning from me as we will be having themed weeks until the end of term – there are some exciting things coming up! If I spot anything that I think you might really like to do at home then I’ll pop it on here too, but please continue to share what you have been doing on Tapestry for me to see.

Today we will be doing Literacy, Maths and Art.



Today I would like you to write about the life cycle of a frog. I have got another sheet for you to fill in the gaps, I haven’t included the sheet where you do all the writing as it looked like most of you preferred the fill in the gaps option!

Frog Life Cycle



I’ve got an addition and subtraction game for you today. There are two options, level one and level two. You may need something to use as counters nearby to help you work out the answers (Lego, beads, buttons etc. are all good for this).

Level 1

Level 2



Today I was hoping that you may be able to do some art or craft to represent the life cycle of a frog or a butterfly (your choice!) to show me what you have learnt. You could do this in lots of different ways:

  • maybe use playdough to make each stage of the life cycle
  • find different toys or objects around the house to use
  • paint a picture for each stage
  • have a look at the ideas below for some inspiration!

I hope you all have a lovely day and a brilliant weekend!

Miss Roberts x