Friday 12th June

Well, it’s Friday again! Doesn’t it come around quickly?! Our activities today involve maths, English and RE.


Your problem solving task today involves estimating and measuring. It will help here if you have an actual mug in front of you as a point of reference! Work through the different questions on the problem, trying your best to estimate the height of the man and the cup in centimetres. To extend your learning, measure the mug you are using and the items which are twice as tall and half as tall as the man to see how close your estimates are.

You could maybe use a thimble to see how close your estimate is of how many ‘man mugs’ fill your mug. How about drawing a design of the man’s house, measuring carefully how big the bed would be, how tall the table would be or how wide the door would need to be considering the man’s possible height?


Your online books are amazing! Well done for working so hard on them. Make sure your book is absolutely finished and you have a contents page, glossary and index. Feel free to use this program whenever you like, by the way! If you want to make a new book about something else completely, then go ahead!

If you have finished your book and you are happy with it, then work through this BBC Bitesize lesson which looks at different types of sentences: BBC different sentence types Work through the activities, writing different types of sentences to practise your skills at using full stops, exclamation marks and question marks. Remember that you sentence ALWAYS needs a capital letter! Have a watch of the video and make an informative poster teaching people why it is so important to recycle. Make your poster eye-catching and include lots of facts. I want you to include at least two questions on your poster, and at least two sentences which use an exclamation mark.

You may wish to put your finished poster somewhere in your house to remind all the members of your family to recycle!


Last week we were discussing who your neighbours are. Today we are going to think of ‘neighbour’ in a wider context. Have a look through the different pictures and see what you think. How could these people be your neighbour? BBC What is a neighbour?

Can you remember how Sikhs show kindness to others? Think back to when we learnt about gurdwaras. How are gurdwaras welcoming places? Is it just certain people that can go to gurdwaras or is everyone welcome? These are some of the things we talked about:

  • The four doors – one on the north, south, west and east side of the building to welcome people in
  • The langar – the community kitchen where anyone can help out and everyone is welcome to have a vegetarian lunch
  • Sitting on the floor – so nobody feels less important than anyone else

Watch the two short stories from the Sikh faith: BBC Sikh stories Have a chat about the messages in these stories.

Questions to consider:

Why did Guru Nanak travel to different places and not just stay at home?

In ‘The Milk and the Jasmine Flower’, why do you think the holy leaders did not want Guru Nanak and his friend to enter the city? What happened to make them change their mind?

What was different at the beginning of ‘Duni Chand and the Silver Needle’? Was Guru Nanak made to feel welcome? What did Duni Chand do to welcome him? What did Guru Nanak do to teach Duni Chand that it made no difference how rich he was? How did Duni Chand change his life for the better?

I want you to think of ways that people show kindness to others who are not family, not next door neighbours or those they go to school with. Can you think of any examples of compassion and care shown by people towards others in their town, country or even internationally? You may want to chat about the following:

The work of charity shops and passing belongings on to those who need them

How charities help to raise money for certain causes on a national and global scale

Schemes such as ‘meals on wheels’ or food banks

Campaigns that raise awareness of difficulties others have (such as Amnesty International)

Sponsorship programmes (such as Plan International UK)

Making the effort to learn about different cultures and faiths to have a better understanding of ‘difference’


Is there anything YOU can do to help? Maybe clear out your bedroom and give some of the toys you no longer play with to your local charity shop? Maybe you could learn a new language or learn about a culture very different to your own?

Have a wonderful Friday and a super weekend. x