Friday 10th July

Hello everyone,

We made it to Friday! Well done, I’m sure you’re all starting to feel tired now but not long left until the end of term.



Today we are going to be making some word art. I would like you to think about all the different ways that you can describe yourself and write them down. So you might write brave, funny, kind, patient, lovely etc.

Then we are going to turn our work into a calligram using the website below.

The site can look a little bit tricky to start off with, but it’s easy to get the hang of. You will first need to write in all the words that you have come up with to describe yourself. Then you can choose what shape these words will take and decide on a colour theme for your art. Once you are finished it will turn your art in to a picture! Sam has made us one of these about our whole class before, have a look below.



Today I would like you to have a go at one of the maths mats below. On here are all the maths skills that we should know by the end of Reception. There are 6 different maths mats on the sheet, but no need to do them all, just 1 is fine!

EYFS Maths Mat


Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Miss Roberts x