Free School Meal Information

Dear Parents

The Government will be publishing details shortly about how the entitlement of children in receipt of free school meals will continue during this period of closure.

They are currently developing a national approach to providing support through supermarket and shop vouchers. 

Advice is that there will be a choice of:

  • e-vouchers (where available) – which you can email directly to parents
  • gift cards – which may be more suitable if parents do not have access to the internet

School will contact parents whose children are eligible for free school meals separately to explain how this process will be rolled out as soon as we have clear information.

Throughout this closure period, the school kitchen will remain closed. If your child is in school on Monday (by invitation only), please ensure they bring a packed lunch. This will not affect your eligibility for an e-voucher or gift card.

There will not be e-vouchers/gift cards for those children who usually receive a free meal by virtue of being in key stage 1 and early years.

Mr Langford