Feedback on telling the time.

I thought I would just give you a little feedback on Room 8’s attempts at telling the time. Overall, Room 8 has been really strong at being able to read the time on an analogue clock, it has been a joy to mark there work and see most children feel confident in telling the time.

However, a little area that has been flagged up today with the majority of the class has been to turn analogue time into digital. We have struggled! Areas which came up in class were:

  • Remembering that with a digital clock you must write the time with the hours first followed by the minutes. Whereas with an analogue clock you say the minutes first followed by the hour. E.g, 4:40 not 40:4.
  • All the minutes are read as minutes past the hour.
  • Reading the clock carefully and recognising that the minute hand is ‘massive’ (we call it massive minutes) and the hour hand is small. A lot of the children are reading the times, back to front.
  • Lastly, a lot of children are writing for example the time for quarter past 8 as 8:3. Which indicates that the children are writing the numbers which the clock hands are on rather than calculating the minutes past the hour.

I hope this makes sense!

These are all pretty typical misconceptions children have when telling the time and I will obviously do another lesson on this tomorrow to try and amend theses but any help at home which you could give with this life skill would be gratefully received.


Mrs Davies