Harvest Festival (for staff and pupils only)

Our Harvest festival will take place at St George’s CE Church during the morning on Monday 10th October. This year it will be for staff and pupils only as it is our first time celebrating it as a whole school together at church for a couple of years due to previous Covid restrictions.

Please can children come to school wearing a suitable weather-appropriate coat to walk to and from church.

We are asking for donations in support of Shrewsbury & Rea Valley Food Bank, please see below for a list of items they are particularly short of.

Please can each child bring one item in a bag with them to school on Monday 10th October, as they will then carry their donation with them when we walk to the church. Staff will be unable to carry the children’s donations for them.

If you wish to donate more than one item, the church is open on weekdays daily (9am-5pm) for donations for the food bank. Please can parents drop additional donations off at the donation point in the church.

KS2 School Disco (yrs 3-6)

EYFS & Key Stage one will run from 5pm-6pm

Key Stage two will run 6.15pm-7.30pm

Entry fee will be £5, to include unlimited squash, a glow stick, face glitter, bag of crisps, small bag of sweets.

Places will be sold in advance via school money with a tick list on the door.

EYFS & KS1 School Disco (Rec, yrs 1-2)

EYFS & Key Stage one will run from 5pm-6pm

Key Stage two will run 6.15pm-7.30pm

Entry fee will be £5, to include unlimited squash, a glow stick, face glitter, bag of crisps, small bag of sweets.

Places will be sold in advance via school money with a tick list on the door.

Continent Day (with optional dress up as per their class continent)

Our first Continent Day will take place on Thursday 29th September.

Your child will spend the day learning about their class continents through different activities which also underpin our curriculum.

Children are invited to wear clothing to depict their class continent. Some ideas could be:

  • Colours of flags from the countries of their continent
  • Iconic buildings or landmarks
  • Outlines/maps
  • Traditional dress
  • Food items
  • Famous people
  • Animals associated with the continent

N.B. Children may feel more comfortable to come in school uniform.

Homemade dress would be preferable in reducing costs and environmental impact; if you need any further support, please ask class teachers/TAs.

7 Continents Of The World | Facts For Kids | DK Find Out


  • Reception – Antarctica
  • Year 1 – Australia (Australasia)
  • Year 2 – Africa
  • Year 3 – South America
  • Year 4 – North America
  • Year 5 – Asia
  • Year 6 – Europe

Arthog parents’ meeting (year 6)

Next Thursday 22nd of September at 3:30pm, we will have a parents’ meeting to discuss the visit to Arthog.

This will take place in our classroom straight after school, children are welcome but we will also go over all of the details with children in class so don’t worry if they cannot attend.  I will also post a copy of the presentation to the website if you cannot attend and please feel free to email me or Mrs Giles with any questions you may have.

It will be an opportunity for us to talk you through the week and answer any questions you may have.

Your children will be bringing home the consent form and kit list today.  Please complete and return the consent form by Wednesday 21st September at the latest.

We are really excited for our visit and hopefully children are looking forward it too.