Year 2 ‘Victorian Classroom’ morning

Dear parents,

This half term the year 2 children are learning about Victorian life. Africa class will become a Victorian classroom for the morning of Tuesday 28th March.

To help make this experience feel more authentic, it would be fantastic if the children can come to school wearing clothes in the style of the Victorian era.

Please don’t feel you have to go out and buy new clothes for this (and if you are unable to find Victorian style clothes, just dressing your child in black/ grey trousers or skirt and white t-shirt/ shirt would be fine).

Mrs Pittaway


World Book Day – dress up as a character inspired by a hero from the ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ book series

This year’s World Book Day takes place on Thursday 2nd March and this year, we would like pupils to dress up as a character inspired by a hero from the ‘Little People, Big Dreams’ book series. This also ties in with our continent week where classes will focus on a ‘Little Hero’ linked to their continent. Please note: dress up does not need to be characters from pupils’ continent or the ‘Little Hero’ they are studying.

We encourage homemade costumes as much as possible – if you need any further ideas, please contact your child’s class teacher.

Little People, BIG DREAMS – Be Bold, Be Brave, DREAM BIG! (

‘Dress to Express’ Day – as part of Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week

It is Children’s Mental Health Week.  We would like to show our support for this by joining in with their ‘Dress to Express’ day next Friday 10th February.  The children can come to school in their own clothes to express their personality.

If your child/children has PE on this day then they can either bring their PE kit to get changed, bring some trainers or do PE in their own clothes if they are already suitable (i.e. trainers and tracksuit bottoms).

The week is run by a charity called Place 2 Be.  We are joining in with the activities and Dress to Express day to raise awareness of children’s mental health, however, if you would like to make a donation to the Place 2 Be Charity you can do so through their website directly.