PPS Summer Fair!

We are pleased to announce that this year we are ready, willing and able to host the Pontesbury C.E. Primary School Summer Fair on Friday 15th July between 4-7pm.
This will be a lovely opportunity to celebrate completing our first full year together in a while and enjoy some time together with our school community.   Also our ability to fundraise has been severely hampered over the past few years with no discos, Christmas or Summer Fairs.  We would love to use this opportunity to raise money to purchase some new play equipment for the children so that all children can benefit and have more active, enjoyable and imaginative playtimes.
There will be lots of lovely activities, stalls, a bar and live music – watch this space for more announcements.
In order for the event to be a success, we will need some willing volunteers to help pull the magic together. If you are willing to help either with the organisation beforehand, the sourcing of some raffle prizes or helping to run a stall on the evening then we would love to hear from you.
There will be a short meeting straight after school next Friday 1st July in Room 8 (the Year 6 classroom by the staff car park) to discuss plans.  We will try to host the meeting in the garden area so any children will be able to play in the garden area.  Everyone is welcome.  If you are willing to help but unable to attend the meeting please contact lesley.hilditch@ppce.co.uk and let me know how you are able to help and I will add your name to the list.
There will also be a non-uniform day on Friday 8th July, in return we would kindly appreciate donations of prizes for the tombola/ raffle stalls.  Please bring any bottles of wine, chocolates, sweets, smellies – anything you think would make a lovely prize – with you on the day, there will be tables out on the playground to collect any donations.  
Thank you all so much for your support over the past couple of years.  We are really looking forward to this event and hopefully seeing lots of you there.

Non-uniform day (donations of tombola/raffle prizes please)

We are pleased to announce that this year we are ready, willing and able to host the Pontesbury C.E. Primary School Summer Fair on Friday 15th July between 4-7pm.
This will be a lovely opportunity to celebrate completing our first full year together in a while and enjoy some time together with our school community.   Also our ability to fundraise has been severely hampered over the past few years with no discos, Christmas or Summer Fairs.  We would love to use this opportunity to raise money to purchase some new play equipment for the children so that all children can benefit and have more active, enjoyable and imaginative playtimes.
There will be lots of lovely activities, stalls, a bar and live music – watch this space for more announcements.
In order for the event to be a success, we will need some willing volunteers to help pull the magic together. If you are willing to help either with the organisation beforehand, the sourcing of some raffle prizes or helping to run a stall on the evening then we would love to hear from you.
There will be a short meeting straight after school next Friday 1st July in Room 8 (the Year 6 classroom by the staff car park) to discuss plans.  We will try to host the meeting in the garden area so any children will be able to play in the garden area.  Everyone is welcome.  If you are willing to help but unable to attend the meeting please contact lesley.hilditch@ppce.co.uk and let me know how you are able to help and I will add your name to the list.
There will also be a non-uniform day on Friday 8th July, in return we would kindly appreciate donations of prizes for the tombola/ raffle stalls.  Please bring any bottles of wine, chocolates, sweets, smellies – anything you think would make a lovely prize – with you on the day, there will be tables out on the playground to collect any donations.  
Thank you all so much for your support over the past couple of years.  We are really looking forward to this event and hopefully seeing lots of you there.

Summer Fair Planning Meeting in Room 8

We are pleased to announce that this year we are ready, willing and able to host the Pontesbury C.E. Primary School Summer Fair on Friday 15th July between 4-7pm.
This will be a lovely opportunity to celebrate completing our first full year together in a while and enjoy some time together with our school community.   Also our ability to fundraise has been severely hampered over the past few years with no discos, Christmas or Summer Fairs.  We would love to use this opportunity to raise money to purchase some new play equipment for the children so that all children can benefit and have more active, enjoyable and imaginative playtimes.
There will be lots of lovely activities, stalls, a bar and live music – watch this space for more announcements.
In order for the event to be a success, we will need some willing volunteers to help pull the magic together. If you are willing to help either with the organisation beforehand, the sourcing of some raffle prizes or helping to run a stall on the evening then we would love to hear from you.
There will be a short meeting straight after school next Friday 1st July in Room 8 (the Year 6 classroom by the staff car park) to discuss plans.  We will try to host the meeting in the garden area so any children will be able to play in the garden area.  Everyone is welcome.  If you are willing to help but unable to attend the meeting please contact lesley.hilditch@ppce.co.uk and let me know how you are able to help and I will add your name to the list.
There will also be a non-uniform day on Friday 8th July, in return we would kindly appreciate donations of prizes for the tombola/ raffle stalls.  Please bring any bottles of wine, chocolates, sweets, smellies – anything you think would make a lovely prize – with you on the day, there will be tables out on the playground to collect any donations.  
Thank you all so much for your support over the past couple of years.  We are really looking forward to this event and hopefully seeing lots of you there.

Well done ROWLING! non-uniform and ‘crazy hair’ day

Well Done Rowling – House Champions for Summer 1 2022!

Well done on all your hard work and good behaviour, and to everyone else who also tried so hard for their House.

  • Rowling (blue) – 596 points
  • Jeffers (green) – 536 points
  • Dahl (red) – 524 points
  • Donaldson (yellow) – 503 points

The children (and staff) who have earned house points for their winning team Rowling  will have a non-uniform and ‘crazy hair’ day on Monday 11th March as a celebration of their achievement – hooray, get choosing your favourite clothes.