English Wednesday 27th January

Wednesday 27th January 

Today I’d like you to look at the information on relative clauses.  This sounds complicated but I promise you it’s not too bad!  They can help you add more detail to your sentences and build a better description.  So it’s just adding extra details to the end of your sentences at the minute.  Have a look at the poster at the types of relative pronoun and the worksheets to give you some examples.  Have a go at the matching sheet (easier one) or have a go at finishing some sentences with relative clauses (harder one) and I’m sure you’ll get the idea.  You don’t have to do all of the sentences on the sheets its just to give you some examples or how they work.

Relative Pronouns Poster

Adding relative clauses – easier

Adding Relative clauses – harder

I would now like you to look back at your picture from yesterday and see if there are any places where you could extend your idea with a relative clause.  You may add them to your picture in a different colour if you have space or write them out as sentences onto paper.  You will probably find adding the pronouns which or that the easiest.  Have a look at the example below and just try your best. 

Wednesday example