English Wednesday 13th January

Wednesday 13th January 

Today we are going to be writing in role as parts of the Iron Man describing how he manages to piece himself back together.  

Today we will need to write in the 1st person.  This means we will be using pronouns like I, me, my and mine.   This is different from the story which is written in 3rd person so it may be tricky!  Just keep imagining that YOU are the Iron Man.  

Here is a good example of the kind of thing we would like you to write today.  

 My eye flickered open to reveal two gulls staring at me, looking puzzled. One of the gulls wheeled around and picked something up that looked, from what I could make out, like a metallic crab. My hand! Luckily, he dropped it beside me on the sand and I rolled towards it, then, joining forces once again, I felt myself glowing blue. I managed to stand up on finger and thumb and craned out my forefinger like a long nose. With my eye tucked under the middle finger, I felt gleeful that I was coming back to life…my hand could see! I darted about, scuttling this way and that, like Pacman avoiding ghosts. I jabbed at one of the gulls – then another – and they were vacuumed up into the wind with a frightened cry. I kept searching, over rocks and stones, until I found something iron. I tugged. I heaved. I wrenched. Something belonging to me was stuck between two rocks. Clink! Clunk! Scrape! I hauled my arm free.

Can you see the mixture of sentences, some are long, some are only two words!  This is very detailed and yours might be a bit more simple but it’s just to give you an idea of the kind of writing. 

It could be very easy with this type of writing to end up with …and then… and then…and then… so we have made a plan to help you write with a way you could start each sentence.  


Sentence starter… Event to describe
I opened my eye… Eyeball found by seagulls
Suddenly,  Hand dropped beside eye 
My hand picked me up… Hand and eye join together 
Eventually,  we found  Search beach and find arm and hand 
Then,   Find other eye
Next,  Find a leg
Soon,  Find other leg
Then,  Hopped around beach found torso (body)

Hands fitted body back together

Finally,  Found head and put eyes back in place.  All complete except one ear. 


You should end up with at least 9 sentences, you may have added more to include more detail and that is fine.