English Tuesday 9.2.21

Today I’d like you to continue your warning story. Please read the caravan story again and look at the second paragraph.  In this section, you need to describe the dangerous place.  Think about making it sound old and scary. Use:

2 adjective sentences

A simile

A relative clause using ,which …

A short 3 word sentence

So today I’d like you to write the second paragraph of your story.  You may add illustrations to your story too.

The pylon she was talking about stood at the end of Muggie Moss Road. Red and brown rust fluttered from its lean body and it made odd creaking sounds when the wind blew. It was there we found the caravan. It had been empty for years. If you go past, you’ll just see a small patch of overgrown land under the pylon, a mess of brambles and nettles that smothered the van. It was damp inside and the windows were smeared with green grime. Moss clung to its wheels. It was a place of dead spiders and dust but it was our special place. Most days after school we went straight there. Just to muck about.