English Tuesday 26th January

Tuesday 26th January 

Today we are going to look at a famous setting that some of you might already know.  It doesn’t matter if you haven’t seen this before or read the book yet. 

I’d like you to start by reading this description.  Please highlight any good phrases and words you like.  Do you recognise the description?  Some of you may.  

great hall

Now I’d like you to read the description again and then close your eyes.  Can you picture the place? 

I’d like you to draw a  picture of what you think the setting looks like from the description. 

Now you may open the picture and compare it with yours.  Is it similar? Picture

Now you can watch this clip and see if it is as you pictured. 


Now you can either use your picture or the one attached and I would like you to label the picture with adjectives, similes and descriptive phrases, like we did with the Iron Man the other week.  Remember these are just ideas, they do not need to be full sentences at the minute.  Try to think about using your senses, what would you see, hear, smell and feel? 

See Picture example

Picture example

Picture to print
