English Thursday 28.1.21

Today I’d like you to use your ideas to write a description of the great hall setting.   Now remember the key to good writing is a range of sentences.  So with that in mind I’d like you to do what we call a slow write.  This makes the children really think about their language choices and ensures a range of sentences are used.

Watch the videos to help you. 

I’d like you to write 

A 2a (2 adjectives with a comma) sentence.

A sentence with a fronted adverbial.

A sentence with a relative clause. 

Describe something you could hear.

A sentence with a simile. 

A 3 word sentence. 

So your description should only be 6 sentences long but should hopefully sound amazing.  I don’t mind if you write in the third person (He, Harry, They)  or the first person (I, We ) just so long as you stay the same all the way through. 

I’m so sorry but it seems the sound quality is really poor – hopefully you can still make it out ok, on the first video you only actually need it from about 1 minute in and it does get better from that point – make sure you choose the full screen option so you can see my screen ok.


Here’s a copy of my example.

Writing a setting description – a slow write.

The bright, glowing moon shone down on the vast hall below.   Above their heads, the black velvety ceiling was dotted with glimmering stars.   The long, mahogany tables were covered with golden plates, which were eagerly anticipating the arrival of the most magnificent feast. The babbling murmur of excited children filled the air.   Albus Dumbledore sat upon a majestic throne like a king in his palace.  It was incredible!