English Thursday 14th January

Thursday 14th January

We’d like you to start today’s lesson by thinking carefully about how your body reacts to different feelings.  

Can you think about how your body would react to feeling frightened?  Can you act this out to someone at home?  What did you do?  How would you feel? 

Maybe you were trembling, your muscles were tight, you were breathing quickly or out of breath, your heart might beat fast, you might be sweating, crouching into a ball, crying or whimpering.  

How would you act and feel if you were being brave?  

Maybe you stood up tall with your shoulders back.  

Describing these things in your stories are ways to show how your character is feeling rather than just telling the reader  ‘He was scared.’   We call this ‘Show don’t tell.’  

For today’s lesson we’d like you to listen to Chapter 2 of the Iron Man

Chapter 2 Iron Man – text version

Now we’d like you to Imagine that you are Hogarth.  We would like you to write a letter to one of your friends telling them what you have seen.  

Remember again, as you will be writing in role as Hogarth, you will need to use the 1st person again.  (I, my, me) 


Was fishing – normal evening

Felt being watched

Saw two lights

Figure appeared

Describe what he was like

Ran home 

Told his dad

Dad dashed out to find him. 

If you would like to, and have access to a computer, you could try to write your letter to your Room 2 classmates and share it on the stream section of our google classroom.  If you type it in word or google docs then where it says ‘announce something to the class’  If you write in there – Here is my letter, then click add you can upload your wok and then click post.  Otherwise just write it on paper and send a picture to us or write it an email whatever’s easiest.