English Monday 1.2.21

This week we are going to read a short story and have a go at planning our own story. 

Whole week plan English 1.2.21

Monday 1.2.21

Today we are going to start with some grammar.   Again this sounds tricky but hopefully it will be ok.   We are going to learn about ‘subordinating conjunctions’  this will be the first time children will have met this phrase, but it is not scary, it’s just about how we can use some key words to help expand our sentences so that we can write really good stories.

Please watch the little video below and work through the Powerpoint. 


Subordinating conjunctions PowerPoint

When you get to the section with the wheels I’d like you spin each wheel and write a sentence about the topic selected using the conjunction given.   Try 3 different sentences. 

For example 

If the wheels land on  animals    and    as  you could write…

I love animals as they are so interesting.