English Friday 26.2.21

Now we need to begin to write our actual steps.  So for this bit we need to order our steps carefully.  For this we can use numbered steps or time connectives, you may even want to use both.  Time connectives are words like First, Then, Next, After that, Now, Finally, 

They should be at the start of your step followed by a comma. 

You then need an imperative or bossy verb.  The is the thing you want your person to do 

cut, press, put, get, dry, rub, fold, scrub

These are all examples of bossy verbs. 

You will also need to include some adjectives and adverbs to help describe what your person needs and how you want them to do it. 

Adjectives – warm, dry, fluffy,

Adverbs – carefully, thoroughly, gently  

So Now I’d like you to have a go at writing your instructions.  Continuing from yesterday. 

Here’s an example of step one to get you started.

  1.  First, you need to wet your hands with warm water and get a squirt of soap. 

Read through all of your work to check it is clear and makes sense.