English Friday 12.2.21

English today is the resolution and ending to the story where the characters manage to escape.

Luckily, the door had flown open when the pylon had struck. We slipped out onto the muddy ground and lay there with the thunder grumbling above us and the rain beating down. Then Connor started to laugh. He curled up into a ball and laughed so much that I thought he was crying. I couldn’t help myself. The next thing I knew, I was laughing too. Inside, I just felt relief. On the outside, I was laughing crazily. Then we ran, through the brambles and out onto Muggie Moss Road.

How do they escape? How do they feel? Are they muddy, dusty, exhausted?

For your last bit you need to get your characters back home for a telling off!!!

Of course, Mum was furious. “I’m not made of money,” she said, eyeing the state of my school clothes. “Still, maybe a good wash will sort them out.” She glared at me suspiciously. “So, a tree nearly hit you?” I nodded, avoiding her icy stare. “You could have been killed,” she said. Shamefaced, I nodded. She was right. She’d been right from the start.

When you have finished your story, you could come up with a good title for your story and design a cover for it if you wish.