English Friday

Friday 15th January 

Today we would like you to imagine that you are Hogarth’s father.  Close your eyes, get in character and listen to the PowerPoint.   Or an adult could read the text from here. 

‘You’ve just heard about the coming of the Iron Man and how it petrified your son, Hogarth. You’ve taken down your double-barrelled gun, locked the house door and bolted off in your car, late at night and alone. You’ve driven farm to farm and got nowhere with the farmers – only one believed you but wouldn’t act until the following day. You’re feeling anxious. You’re feeling frustrated that no-one understands your sense of urgency. You’re feeling incensed. You noticed, in the yard, halves of tractors complete with teeth marks in the steel. The bewilderment. The confusion. The realisation and the panic. You decide to drive home, yet are faced with the Iron Man at the roadside. Sheer dread. Intent on saving your life, you ram the Iron Man in your car and topple over the giant. You’ve just arrived back home. Sopping wet through from the heavy rain and anxious about what is going to happen now. Have you made the Iron Man angry? What will he do? Will he come after you? Have you scared him off? Are you a hero? ‘ 

Now we’d like you to pretend you are Hogarth’s father and write a diary entry for that evening.  

A diary is a personal recount of something that has happened that day.  So again you need to use first person (I, me, my).  You need to write in the past tense explaining something that has already happened.  Make it exciting and dramatic. 

We’ll give you the opening to start you off.

Dear Diary,

As soon as Hogarth told me what he’d seen I knew it was bad.