English for Wednesday

Our long term target is to produce a video report about what life is currently like for children. Before we can work on videos and interviewing people we need to look at lots of different ways of reporting news and looking at how they are the same, or different, and how they are set out.

Today the task is to look at a newspaper report.

Recognising the features of a newspaper report  click on this link and follow the instructions to identify the features of the report. When you have finished you can check your answers here.

When you have finished this you could try the same thing with a newspaper at home if you have one. Does it make a difference where in the paper you look?

I do not mind how you do this. You can do it online and then send me your answers on google classroom or you can print out the sheet and then send me a photo of your work by email. Please send in your work whichever is the best for you.

Think about who you would like to work with for the video report – you might prefer to work on your own and that would be ok.